Spirit-Centered Reflective Exercise
1.5 CE Credits - $30
Instructors: Karen Eastman, PhD, Leena Banerjee Brown, PhD, Lanette Shizuru Darby, PhD and Ken Kitatani
Course Description
This experiential course will help you tap into the deep positivity of the true self. Felt connection with true self allows spirit-centeredness/self awareness of spirit, mind and body that guides everyday thought and action, to develop. This course is the second in the Spirit-centeredness series and includes an explanation of the spirit, mind, body principle, a summary of research on how the progressive development of self-reflection, narrative story-telling and meaning-making promote well-being, and a deep dive into a true purpose exercise demonstration with our Circles group. You can practice our reflection exercise by yourself, with a colleague or a small group of colleagues in a warm, relational and reflective environment. Circles group members participating in this course are Leena Banerjee Brown, Karen Eastman and Lanette Darby who are mental health professionals open to spiritual practice or have an active spiritual practice, and Ken Kitatani who is a spiritual instructor. We hope you enjoy the course and it sparks deep connection with the reservoirs of your own spirit. Where applicable, we hope that the spirit-centered true purpose exercise is useful for those you help.
Educational Objectives
1. Explain spirit-centeredness and the universal principle that spirit is first, mind next and body follows.
2. Discuss positive associations between spirituality, mental health and brain development and what happens in our brains as we create coherent narratives from our experiences.
3. Apply the Circles true purpose exercise to improve outcomes with clients, peers, or students.
Course Syllabus
1. Introduction to A Spirit-Centered Reflective Exercise
2. The Universal Principle of Spirit, Mind and Body
3. Research supporting A Spirit-Centered Reflective Exercise
4. Demonstration of True Purpose Exercise