Healing From Within: Using CBT for Mind and Body Health

2 CE Credits - $40

Instructed by Kim Fuller, LMFT

Course Description

According to numerous national and worksite-based surveys, excessive stress is the number one reason why people seek out psychotherapy, consult with their primary care doctors, and enter work-site passed employee assistance programs.

Research indicates that stress is a major factor in anxiety, depression, insomnia, and many psychophysiological disorders, including headaches, hypertension, and functional intestinal tract disorders. Evidence from medical science has strongly supported the notion that unchecked stress levels exacerbate GI illnesses, such as IBS and other digestive disorders. Traditionally, the field of psychology has separated the mind from the body. However, the strong bi-directional impacts that our body and mind have on one another are becoming ever increasingly clear.

The use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions can be helpful in switching to a relaxing state. This course will explain the relationship between gut health and emotional dysregulation as well as how to apply CBT techniques of relaxation and cognitive restructuring with clients to heal both mind and body. Didactic instruction and interactive discussion will be facilitated during this course.

Limitations of this therapeutic application are that there are few longitudinal studies on the impact of CBT techniques on emotional well-being. Additionally, an increase in studies with diverse populations could expand understanding of the effectiveness of CBT with internal health and emotional well-being.

Elevate You CE is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Elevate You CE maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The great news is that most states allow Licensed Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists to gain credits from APA approved sponsors. If you are unsure if your state does, just reach out and we will let you know.

Educational Objectives

  1. Explain 3 ways stress and imbalance contribute to inflammation which plays a role in anxiety and depression
  2. Describe the connection between stress and gut health
  3. Demonstrate 3 interventions that can be used in psychotherapy practice
  4. Identify how interventions can be used with diverse populations


First Half:

  • Explore consequences and how imbalance in gut leads to anxiety and
  • 15-Minute break

Second Half:

  • Identify and discuss use of CBT interventions.

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Course Dates

Kim Fuller

Instructor Bio